A Change Agent for Good
For the past 30 years, Sister-to-Sister: International Network of Professional African American Women, Inc., formerly known as Sister-to-Sister, has worked to enhance Black lives – those of women, children, and families. And by extension, communities. Now as a recognized public charity, the progress made is due to twenty-four stalwarts honest enough to admit that loneliness, overt and covert racism, and internalized trauma made living a struggle. In a space where they felt authentic community that valued them unconditionally, the women found solace.
Good begets good. Good requires commitment and resilience. Good necessitates ongoing action in the face of adversity. Good demands insight and selflessness. No matter to what degree “wished for”, Good can never be achieved from apathy, hiding from reality, or cloistering in cliques composed of only individuals who consider themselves alike. Using the term “professional” to modify the noun “women” was never meant to connote exclusion, and, in practice, the Sister Circle’s openness evidence inclusion. The Circle welcomes and embraces those willing to help advance equity for Onyx females and fulfill Sister-to-Sister, Inc.’s mission and purposes.
“A changemaker is anyone who proactively works to improve the environment around them.” … Often, they are the people with unknown names “quietly working behind the scenes to make things happen.” Freidman, Max, Givebutter (November 2, 2022), https://givebutter.com/blog/changemaker. Nouns describing “changemakers” include creators, influencers, developers, activists, and reformers. Characterized by them all, Sister-to-Sister, Inc., and before it, Sister-to-Sister, set out to do Good, and despite extremely restricted resources, Good comes. Never has public recognition been a sought-after goal. Sister-to-Sister, Inc.’s inclusion in the Boulder Museum’s educational Proclaiming Colorado’s Black History exhibition is an honor. After its two-year run at the museum, the exhibition will rotate throughout schools in the Boulder Valley School District. Subsequent plans are for its rotation throughout all Colorado public-school districts. Ripples create waves as illustrated by museum curators from different areas of the U.S. are collaboration with the Boulder Museum to create similar exhibitions to honor Black changemakers. Children must see and internalize what is possible, while understanding America’s full history.